How to get Phenox2?
We are going to start the first production of Phenox2 August, 2015. The advance order is being accepted now.
$1,800USD for a “Phenox2 full model”. (not including shipping fee)
$1,400USD for a “Phenox2 main boards”. (not including shipping fee)
First batch amount: 50 models
Shipping Date: start on Augusut, 2015
Shipping Country: Please contact us.
Please send your name, address, company name, options to following address. We will inform you payment method July, 2015.
We can also receive an order from public institutions and change payment method accordingly. Please contact us freely.
1.”Phenox2 full model” includes Phenox2 main board, two camera boards, a serial communication board, all mechanical components, spare parts. They are assembled in Japan.
2. “Phenox2 boards” includes Phenox2 main board, two camera boards, a serial communication board.